Purpose and Beliefs
Every Nation Metro Vancouver began in 2000 with the continued desire to multiply followers of Jesus who love God, one another and the world.
Every Nation Metro Vancouver began in 2000 with the continued desire to multiply followers of Jesus who love God, one another and the world.
We relationally disciple and empower all people to be gospel-centered servant-leaders. Fuelled to reach the next generation by our deep love for God and others, we intentionally open our lives to be ministers of reconciliation in our relational spheres. The result will be a discipleship movement that is transformational in its worship, unified in its diversity, and respected in its impact on campuses, cities, and nations.
We relationally disciple and empower all people to be gospel-centered servant-leaders. Fuelled to reach the next generation by our deep love for God and others, we intentionally open our lives to be ministers of reconciliation in our relational spheres. The result will be a discipleship movement that is transformational in its worship, unified in its diversity, and respected in its impact on campuses, cities, and nations.
Principle Beliefs
Principle Beliefs
Truth –Jesus is the source of truth. We know the truth objectively through His
Truth –Jesus is the source of truth. We know the truth objectively through His
flawless Word and personally by His Spirit (Jn.4:23; 14:6; 2Ti.3:16).
flawless Word and personally by His Spirit (Jn.4:23; 14:6; 2Ti.3:16).
God – God is relationship (1 in 3), and we worship Him as Lord and Saviour,
God – God is relationship (1 in 3), and we worship Him as Lord and Saviour,
for He is unequalled authority and pure love (Ps.62:11-12; 2Co.13:14; 2Pe.3:18).
for He is unequalled authority and pure love (Ps.62:11-12; 2Co.13:14; 2Pe.3:18).
Relationship – While we are born sinners, and sin and selfishness break
Relationship – While we are born sinners, and sin and selfishness break
relationship, we are made in God's image to receive and give his love (Ge.1:26;
relationship, we are made in God's image to receive and give his love (Ge.1:26;
Mt.10:8, 22:37-40, 28:18-20).
Mt.10:8, 22:37-40, 28:18-20).
Love – Love is a motive of choosing others over self. It’s two main qualities are
Love – Love is a motive of choosing others over self. It’s two main qualities are
mercy (for criminals) and justice (for victims) (Ze.7:9; Ro.13:10; 1Co.16:14).
mercy (for criminals) and justice (for victims) (Ze.7:9; Ro.13:10; 1Co.16:14).
Discipleship – We help people intentionally follow Jesus toward relational
Discipleship – We help people intentionally follow Jesus toward relational
health through truth - repentance - faith (Pr. 28:13; Mk.1:15; Ga.2:20; Pp.2:5-11).
health through truth - repentance - faith (Pr. 28:13; Mk.1:15; Ga.2:20; Pp.2:5-11).
Gospel – Jesus' sacrifice fulfills our repentance: mercy forgives our crimes and
Gospel – Jesus' sacrifice fulfills our repentance: mercy forgives our crimes and
grace empowers us to love and obey (Ac.2:38; Ro.1:21; 1Co.15:10; 2Th.1:8-9).
grace empowers us to love and obey (Ac.2:38; Ro.1:21; 1Co.15:10; 2Th.1:8-9).
Church – We are a multi-generational, multi-cultural, and imperfect missional
Church – We are a multi-generational, multi-cultural, and imperfect missional
community of faith (Mt.28:19; 2Co.5:18; Ep.2:19; 2Ti.2:2; 1Pe.2:9).
community of faith (Mt.28:19; 2Co.5:18; Ep.2:19; 2Ti.2:2; 1Pe.2:9).
Ministry – All ministry is 100% God and 100% man, where we are ministers of
Ministry – All ministry is 100% God and 100% man, where we are ministers of
reconciliation, and God makes things grow (Lk.4:18-19; 1Co.3:6; 2Co.5:18).
reconciliation, and God makes things grow (Lk.4:18-19; 1Co.3:6; 2Co.5:18).
Leaders – To foster a discipleship movement, we model, minister and mentor in
Leaders – To foster a discipleship movement, we model, minister and mentor in
faith versus anxiety, and love versus selfishness (Mk.10:42-46; He.13:7; 2Ti.2:2).
faith versus anxiety, and love versus selfishness (Mk.10:42-46; He.13:7; 2Ti.2:2).
Hope – Christ is establishing his Kingdom on earth. The unrepentant will suffer
Hope – Christ is establishing his Kingdom on earth. The unrepentant will suffer
judgment; the forgiven will live and rule with Christ (Mt.6:10; Rev.11:15-18, 20:6;
judgment; the forgiven will live and rule with Christ (Mt.6:10; Rev.11:15-18, 20:6;
This is a summary of our beliefs; but if you are interested in communicating with a site pastor please contact us at info@everynationvancouver.ca
All Every Nation Metro Vancouver sites are part of the global family of Every Nation Churches and Ministries and align with the statement of faith.