E v e r y  N a t i o n  Y o u t h 

Helping youth cultivate a life-transforming relationship with Jesus, belong in His family and join in His mission.


Thursday Hangouts

( Gr. 8 - 12 )

6:00 - 8:30 | Thursdays | 6426 Kerr.


Sunday Small Groups

( Gr. 6 - 12 )

4:00pm | Every other Sunday | 6426 Kerr St

-  Who We Are  -

We are Every Nation Youth! One of the primary things we do is create space for youth to build relationships with God and with each other. We also exist to love the world around us. The main way we do this is through weekly community hangouts, and bi- weekly small groups. 

Social Media



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Every  Nation  Youth  Leaders

Connor  Bishop

Leah  Ebens

Sarah  Montroy

Jonathan  Rova

Rebekah  Rova